吴志峰 医师

- 语言 : 中文、英文
口腔癌治疗经验 : 20余年、超过5,000例
静脉导管植入经验 : 超过10,000例
局部动脉化疗经验 : 超过6,000例
- 高雄雅斯翠诊所院长

- 免疫疗法
- 癌症局部动脉化学治疗
- 肿瘤外科与各项化学治疗
- 台湾外科医学会专科医师
- 台湾乳房医学会专科医师
- 台湾安宁缓和医学学会会员
- 台湾临床肿瘤医学学会会员
- 中华民国癌症医学学会会员

- 高雄医学大学医学系 学士
- 高雄医学大学附设医院肿瘤外科主治医师
- 高雄医学大学附设医院外科住院医师
- 高雄医学大学附设医院外科总住院医师

CF Wu , MG Lee, Mohamed El-Shazly, KH Lai, SC Ke, CW Su , SP Shih ,PJ Sung ,MC Hong ,ZH Wen and MC Lu Isoaaptamine Induces T-47D Cells Apoptosis and Autophagy via Oxidative Stress Marine Drug 2018; 16
KH Lai1, YC Liu, JH Su, Mohamed El-Shazly, CF Wu,YC Du, YM Hsu, JC Yang, MK Weng, CH Chou, GY Chen, YC Chen& Mei-Chin Lu Antileukemic Scalarane Sesterterpenoids and Meroditerpenoid from Carteriospongia (Phyllospongia) sp., Induce Apoptosis via Dual Inhibitory Effects on Topoisomerase II and Hsp90 Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 36170
YANG WC, CHEN CH, TANG JY, WU CF, LIU YC, SUN YP and LIN SF Induction Chemotherapy with Docetaxel, Cisplatin and Fluorouracil Followed by Surgery and Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Improves Outcome of Recurrent Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma ANTICANCER RESEARCH 2014; 34: 3765-3774
Wu CF, Lee CH, His Edward ,Chen CH,Tang JY Interval between Intra-Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy and Surgery for Locally Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Impacts on Effectiveness of Chemotherapy and Overall Survival The ScientificWorld Journal 2014 Apr; 4: 568145-5681450
Wu CF,Chang KP,1 Huang CJ,Chen CM, Chen CY, Lin CL Continuous intra-arterial chemotherapy for downstaging locally advanced oral commissure carcinoma Head Neck 2014 Jul; 36: 1027–1033
Wu CF Huang CJ Chang KP Chen CM * Continuous intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy as a palliative treatment for oral squamous cell carcinoma in octogenarian or older patients Oral Oncology 2010 Jul; 46: 559–563
Sheen MC,* Sheu HM, Jang MY, Chai CY, Wang YW, Wu CF Advanced Penile Verrucous Carcinoma Treated With Intra-Aortic Infusion Chemotherapy Urology 2010 May; 183: 1830-1835
Strojan P, Ferlito A, Wu CF, Rinaldo A Intraarterial chemotherapy: a valid option in the treatment of verrucous carcinoma? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Mar; 267: 835-837
Yeh YS, Wu CF, Shih MC, Yang SF, Wang JY Unusual metastases to soft tissue of chest and abdominal wall from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.South Med J. 2009 Apr; 102: 444-5
Huang IY, Wu CF, Shen YS, Yang CF, Shieh TY, Hsu HJ, Chen CH, Chen CM. Importance of patient's cooperation in surgical treatment for oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Apr; 66: 699-703
Chen CM, Yang CF, Shen YS, Huang IY, Wu CF The use of artificial dermis for surgical defects in the treatment of oral premalignant lesions. J Surg Oncol. 2008 Mar; 97: 291-3
Wu CF, Chen CM, Shen YS, Huang IY, Chen CH, Chen CY, Shieh TY, Sheen MC Effective eradication of oral verrucous carcinoma with continuous intraarterial infusion chemotherapy. Head Neck. 2008 May; 30: 611-7
Hsieh JS, Wu CF, Chen FM, Huang CJ, Huang TJ. Simple laparoscopic gastrostomy using a homemade hook-pin Endoscopy. 2007 Feb;39
WU CF, Chen CM, Chen CH, Shieh TY, Sheen MC , Continuous intraarterial infusion chemotherapy for early lip cancer. Oral Oncol. 2007 Sep; 43: 825-830